Tour of the Alps

Aus der Klasse 2 C waren acht Schüler*innen beim Start der „Tour oft he Alps“ dabei. Sie konnten sogar zwei Radfahrer interviewen:



„His name was Matteo Scalco. He is 19 and was born in Italy. He told us that he began with the racing, when he was 7 years old. We asked him what he likes about racing and he told us that he really likes it because he feels free when he does it. And also he has actually very good expectations for the race and he wouldn’t be sad or something if he wouldn’t get first place. He is just happy that he can race this year.”

Where are you from?

I’m from Italy.

Did you participate often or is this your first time?

It’s my first time racing in this race.

Is cycling a hobby or a job?

For me it’s a job.

When did you start cycling?/Career?

I started cycling as a kid and as a teenager it became my career.

What position do you think you’re gonna get today?

I don’t know, we’ll see.

Is your family here with you?

Yes, my mom and dad.

How many bikes do you have?

I have brought two bikes, but at home I have three.

Do you drink protein during the race?

I eat a lot of carbs before the race.

Did you have any injuries?

Yes, I broke my face, arm and other parts of the body.

Where would you like to race?

Everywhere all around the world.

Do you train a lot?

Yes, I train 24/7 every chance I get.

Thank you.

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